I am disappointed about not being able to eat sushi where I live. There is a distinct lack of sushi bars in my area - I have to travel for ages up north to a big city where I can get some raw fish. I thought sushi was supposed to be taking off? I had a bit of sushi in a restaurant once and it was really nice (I can't remember what it was though, and this restaurant doesn't sell the sushi anymore unfortunately). I read in magazines all the time about how sushi is great, you can eat it here, you can eat it there... but not where I am! There is one sushi bar in a city just down the road, but its
really expensive because it's in a fancy department store! When I look up to it (it's on this balcony thing that overlooks the rest of the shopping centre) I only see businessmen eating there. I'm disappointed. I thought the world was supposed to be becoming more cosmopolitan. Instead, I'm stuck with a choice between McDonalds and Burger King (if I'm lucky, there'll be a coffee shop that itsn't packed out). I want a better choice! I want to eat healthily - we get nothing!
Ugh! Burger King and Mcdonalds. Discusting... I only eat Mcdonalds, and when I do, I only eat it when I am starving and there is nothing else around.
Something that I do like at Mcdonalds though, Is their milkshakes!
~Emeline(I've never had sushi before! :D)~
Cool Site.
I know what you mean :( The only sushi available in my town is from a Fry's grocery store...so not good :(
It is fun to try to make your own though, if you get bored one day :)
Sushi is one of my favourite food too! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Have a nice day!
i tried sushi once. i was lucky enough to go to a chineese buffet restaurant and they had it there. i would love to see a sushi bar in my town too though.
Thanks for popping by my place
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
I recently acquired a taste for sushi. Thankfully it is prepared fresh at my office’s cafĂ©. I really enjoy trying ethnic food (non-spicy of course).
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