Friday 25 July 2008

Simon's Cat

There's nothing quite like a great animation to perk up your day - after seeing the third installment of "Simon's Cat" on the Culture Show a couple of weeks ago I felt that I had to go out and check out the other two little masterpieces. They're simple, only really line drawings, but it's hilarious. I'll just let you check out "Let Me In!" - if you watch to the end you can also check out "TV Dinner" and "Cat Man Do" by clicking on the little boxes:


The Diva on a Diet said...

I loved that! Reminds me of our cat, Zelda, who always paws at the bathroom door whenever anyone is showering. Crazy felines!

By the way, please do add me to your blogroll - I'd appreciate it! I'm going to add you to mine as well.

Thanks again and drop by anytime!


Tina said...

haha yes that was hilarious! imagine if that happened. how annoying lol

Jane Hards Photography said...

Not a cat person , but they keep appearing on my blog. This is witty and wonderful. You do have some great finds. Now back to those nominee write ups!

Sunny said...

Simon's Cat is fantastic and has so much in common with my kitty.

Anonymous said...

simple but cute! i liked how he took FOREVER to come inside when that's what he wanted most! lol

Rozella said...

Hehehe So funny!